A translation service quote is a legally binding document between a translation service provider company and their client company that gives a detailed description of a project. It includes (but is not limited to) deliverables, pricing, terms of payment, expenses, termination, and change order.
Name: [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] [Client.Company]
Phone: [Client.Phone]
Email: [Client.Email]
Address: [Client.StreetAddress] [Client.City] [Client.State] [Client.PostalCode]
Name: [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] [Sender.Company]
Phone: [Sender.Phone]
Email: [Sender.Email]
Address: [Sender.StreetAddress] [Sender.City] [Sender.State] [Sender.PostalCode]
The [Sender.Company] agrees that it will be providing translation services with the end result of (mention the final result of the services to be provided).
Estimated start date of the project: (MM.DD.YY)
Estimated end date of the project: (MM.DD.YY)
The estimated start and end date of the project can be changed as per the date of the acceptance of this quote.
Additionally, the estimated start and end dates can change depending on other factors like the availability of critical information needed to render the services, and factors outside the [Sender. Company] ’s control.
Subsequently, the [Sender.Company] fully commits to carrying out the services with reasonable skills, care, due diligence, and adherence to industry practices. Additional details are enclosed in this quote.