A Complete Guide To Social Media Project Management [+Tools]

Global social media consumption is escalating tremendously, and it plays a significant role in how consumers discover brands. According to a report by Nielsen and NM Incite, over 60% of consumers who learn about a brand online use social platforms as the primary source.

Statistics say that more than half of the world's population is active on social media, with each user spending close to two and a half hours every day. Thus, it becomes imperative for brands to make their social media presence felt and grab the users' attention in a limited time.

Handling multiple social campaigns on several platforms can get hectic, even for the most experienced social media managers. Moreover, it leads to an inefficient workflow, and your brand's social media bottom line can go for a toss, leaving you in trouble of all sorts.

Social media teams can utilize social media project management tools to tackle this challenge. A robust project management tool for social media allows you to plan and manage your social media posts and campaigns across multiple platforms and stay on top of insights like sales and social media ROI. But there's a lot more to it!

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What Is Social Media Project Management?

Social media project management is a continuous process that equips marketers to plan and manage social media campaigns across multiple social networking sites, measure performance, and take corrective measures to maximize brand awareness and social media ROI. It helps define the social media goals and create targeted campaigns to achieve them while keeping the social media team on the same page.

Team collaboration and task management are the heart and soul of project management in social media. It requires cross-communication processes between departments as social media campaigns don't involve the input of just social media executives.

Several other marketing facets go into creating a successful social media campaign: video content creation, product images, copywriting, graphic design, social media management tools to schedule posts and fetch meaningful insights, and more. Ensuring a proper communication channel between the owners of these tasks holds the key to effective social media project management.

Let's walk through the benefits of social media project management, the best tools for enterprises to manage social campaigns, and the step-by-step strategy to execute your social media project.

Benefits Of Social Media Project Management


Adding social media project management software to your tech stack can do you a world of good. When used in tandem with a social media strategy, it can liberate you from the restlessness of a campaign's successful execution and results.

While your social media strategy helps you lay out a plan to execute your social media goals, a project management tool allows you to bring it into effect. It lets you visualize what's next at every step in your social strategy.

Following are a few benefits of social media project management:

It saves you time and enhances productivity.

It's a no-brainer to say that social media project management saves your resources. But how? By now, you clearly understand the importance of a project management tool for social media.

Social media marketing tools aren't enough to promise a smooth delivery of social media posts. You may push out content at the right time with the help of social media scheduling tools, but what after scheduling?

What about the post-publishing activities? How do you plan to view the insights of your posts? How do you engage with your audience? Who takes care of the different activities post publishing your social content? A social media project management tool can come in handy.

You can time by effectively delegating responsibilities among your team members on a social media project management tool. You don't have to keep dozens of tabs open to check the progress of each post across multiple social networks.

The tool gives you an overview of the post insights across socials on a unified dashboard, so you don't have to check the analytics on your social accounts manually.

It helps manage social media campaigns.

Okay, you might have a social media marketing tool for post creation and scheduling. What you don't have is a tool to facilitate the end-to-end planning and execution of social media campaigns.

Whiteboards and standup meetings are one way to discuss the progress of social movements. But do you think they're effective? A social media project management tool comes to the rescue.

Post creation, scheduling, and engagement are a minor part of the implementation of the social campaign. As a social media marketer or manager, you'd be aware of everything that goes behind a successful social campaign.

Creating an audience persona, setting goals and objectives, budget allocation, team building, campaign research, content production, distribution, and analytics are crucial components of creating campaigns on social media.

A potent project management software for social media aids you in the efficient planning and managing of your social campaigns.

It aligns the team together and focuses on a common goal.

When you manage tasks on project management tools, the team members are aware of what's next in their pipeline, when they are expected to complete a particular task, what is the outcome of their tasks, and above all, what company goal their tasks contribute. It is essential to keep the team on the same page and align it towards a common goal.

The tool lets you allocate tasks to team members and gives you an overview of all the details regarding a campaign, including the task owner, due dates, progress status, story points, priority status, and more.

It helps you stay on top of industry trends.

When working on projects, the team can maintain repositories of the latest industry trends on social media and how the competition is coping with them. Competitive analysis plays a pivotal role in strategizing your content and campaigns.

Managing information about your competitors' social media tactics can work wonders for your social plans. Social media executives can use the information to create a blueprint for the social media strategy and tweak the plan occasionally depending on the importance of a momentary campaign on competitors' social networks.

It acts as a reminder for tasks that need attention.

People forget things, and so do marketers. It's a common practice in marketing that teams don't rely on memory but have everything documented.

Not only does social media project management help document the information at every stage of social media strategy, but the tool also sends timely reminders to work on tasks nearing the due date and time. Furthermore, it notifies the members added as collaborators in a task, informing them of its progress.

There are bleak chances of missing a task if everything is well organized on your project management tool.

Best Social Media Project Management Tools

The blog revolves around using a social media project management tool to amplify your marketing efforts with seamless execution and boost social media ROI. Let us help you choose the best social media project management software for your business.

The below tools are categorized into two broad categories.

  1. Social media + Project management tools
  2. Project management tools

Any guesses on a better choice? Of course, the one with social media management capabilities! But do not underestimate the project management tools. They are almost at par with the former in helping you manage your social campaigns. Let's dive in!

Social media + Project management tools


Statusbrew is a top-tier social media project management tool that takes social media management and team collaboration to a new level unmatched by any other tool in the market. It would be an understatement to say that it is the best project management software for social media. Here's why!

Trusted by over 10,000 global brands like Ford, Lamborghini, Samsung, and Shopify, Statusbrew is widely known for its top-notch social media solutions for businesses and teams of all sizes. Besides the social media marketing and reporting tools, Statusbrew's collaboration tool is every marketer's delight. From assigning approvers to your social content and inviting users to collaborated workflows and user access control, the tool allows for a flawless workflow without any perturbations.

Check out the key social media project management features of Statusbrew.

Plans: A Social Media Manager's Companion

If you're on the lookout for a social media project management tool, then let Plans be it. It is indeed a social media manager's best companion as it makes creating and managing social campaigns a breeze. Here's how teams can use Plans to manage social media projects:

Set up a plan

Every project begins with framing an objective-driven plan. The Plans feature lets managers outline a detailed social media campaign with clear instructions, goals, deadlines, and objectives.

While creating a new campaign, you can customise it by giving it a title, adding a description, giving a color code for quick identification, setting a date range, and adding collaborators with view-only or edit permissions.

Create content for the Plan

Once the plan is laid out, it's now time for the content creators to get the ball rolling. Team collaboration and content creation is made seamless with Plans which makes the creators feel empowered.

Based on the campaign goals, the content and asset requirements can be communicated with the content and design teams which further kickstarts the content creation process.

Add the campaign assets

This step involves uplaoding the campaign assets and giving the final touches to the posts. Adding assets doesn't get simpler than with Statusbrew Plans. Check it out for yourself! ?

It's now time to hit the "Publish" button and await the campaign results!

Let the numbers speak

Last but not least, review the campaign through the lens of an analyst. You can study every post in the campaign in detail and get insights on the engagement, likes, impressions, views, and scores of other metrics. You can even download the reports in a CSV file and share it with your team and managers.

And guess what's the best part? You can try the Plans feature and set your first campaign live for free with a 7-day trial! ?

Key Features


And that's not it. The list is exhaustive, but you get an idea of what Statusbrew offers.

Customer Testimonials

Check out what Statusbrew customers say about the platform on G2.

"The Only Social Media Management Tool You Need!!"

"Great Social Media Management tool for small scale industries and new startups."

"Questions were answered quickly and it had the features we needed with more coming soon!"

"Statusbrew proved to be the best social media suite"

G2 And Capterra Ratings

G2 Rating: 4.7 / 5

Capterra Rating: 4.8 / 5

Sounds interesting? Book a FREE demo call now!



CoSchedule is a reliable social media management software with project management capabilities. The tool puts together all the marketing campaigns on a single dashboard, so you don't have to juggle between sheets and calendars through its marketing calendar.

Besides task management, CoSchedule also provides team collaboration and advanced social publishing services. Sharing projects with team members on the go and bulk social uploads highlight the software's collaboration and publishing features.

Key Features

G2 And Capterra Ratings

G2 Rating: 4.4 / 5

Capterra Rating: 4.4 / 5

Project Management Tools



Asana is a top-rated project management tool brands use to manage tasks in all departments. Marketers can use this tool to create separate projects for each campaign, assign responsibilities to team members, monitor task progress, and have complete visibility of the social content that goes out in a given period in the calendar view.

Whether or not Asana is a social media project management tool is debatable as the tool doesn't integrate with social networks. Still, it certainly classifies as a good project management tool. It is a simple yet effective platform to stay on top of the social content and campaigns and ensure the smooth execution of your social media strategy.

Key Features

G2 And Capterra Ratings

G2 Rating: 4.3 / 5

Capterra Rating: 4.5 / 5



Trello is a fierce neck-to-neck competitor of Asana. It is a collaboration cum task management tool that lets team members view the completed, ongoing, and upcoming projects fun and flexibly.

The tool offers tons of customization options for all teams of different sizes. It provides over 100 app integrations with tools like Google Drive, Jira, Slack, and Dropbox.

Trello's UI is more straightforward than Asana, and it wouldn't take you long to get started with creating and managing tasks on it. The board view is a treat to the eyes, facilitating easy movement of tasks in the lifecycle process and giving the team members a clear representation of the workflow.

Moreover, it lets you create private boards to put all your crazy ideas in one place and start ticking them one by one. You can give your private boards your look and feel with custom backgrounds, names, lists, cover images, and more!

Like Asana, Trello, too, doesn't classify as a social media project management tool, but if you have a social media strategy in place already, it can add immense value to your marketing efforts.

Key Features

G2 And Capterra Ratings

G2 Rating: 4.4 / 5

Capterra Rating: 4.5 / 5

Time To Kick Start Your Social Media Project Management!

Social media project management is critical to your social media success. A failed project management with an effective social media strategy in your marketing system will take you nowhere.

If you haven't already, it's time to invest in a social media project management tool and see the change for yourself. You never know where you're lagging unless you give one of these tools a shot and identify loopholes in your current social media project management process.

With Statusbrew, you can leave all your social media worries behind as its wealth of features would get all the time-consuming work done within minutes, saving you hours of your valuable time so you can focus on more critical tasks. Sign up and get a 14-day FREE trial. ?

Statusbrew is an all-in-one social media management tool that supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, and even Google My Business.

Manage all your social media in one place, learn how Statusbrew can help by scheduling a demo with us