Polyatomic ionic formula writing worksheet

2. Write the names for the following compounds.

a) Li 2 CO 3 ___lithium carbonat e ___________________________

b) Al(HCO 3 ) 3 ______aluminum bicarbonate________________________

c) Mg 3 (PO 4 ) 2 _____magnesium phosphate_________________________

d) Ca(NO 3 ) 2 _____calcium nitrate_________________________

e) K 2 SO 4 ________potassium sulfate______________________

f) TiPO 4 ________ titanium(III) phosphate ___________________

g) NaNO 3 _______so dium nitrate _______________________

h) Al(OH) 3 _____aluminum hydroxide_________________________

i) CuSO 4 _____copper (II) sulfate_________________________

j) Fe(ClO 3 ) 3 ____i ron (III) chlorate __________________________

k) Pb 3 (PO 4 ) 2 _____lead (II) phosp hate _________________________

l) Sn(ClO 3 ) 2 _______tin (II) chlorate_______________________

m) NaOH _____sodium hydroxide_________________________

n) NH 4 Cl ______ ammonium chloride ________________

o) ( NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 ______ ammonium carbonate _________________

p) CuNO 3 _____copper (I) nitrate_________________________

q) NaCN _____ sodium cyanide ___________________

r) FeSO 4 _____iron (II) sulfate_________________________

s) Ca(HCO 3 ) 2 _____calcium bi carbonate _________________________

t) K 3 PO 4 ______po tassium phosphate ________________________