Personal loans in Seattle allow you to quickly get access to cash to consolidate debt, make major purchases, or cover unexpected expenses. When you apply for a Sound Credit Union personal loan in Seattle , you’ll experience the credit union difference with competitive rates and fees, tools and advice, and helpful service and support. Conveniently located, we hope you’ll stop by to experience the difference today!
Arrows Up & Down class=”wrapper”>It takes minutes to apply and funds can be made available that same day.
Dollar Sign class=”wrapper”>There are no fees or pre-payment penalties.
Document Signature class=”wrapper”>Can’t make it into a branch? No worries. Securely sign and submit your loan documents electronically.
Personal Line of Credit
Always have access to extra money when you need it. Open-ended loan, no fixed terms Borrowing Limits Up to $20,000Share or Certificate Secured Loan
Secure your personal loan using funds from a deposit account. Fixed term up to 60 months1 Borrowing Limits Up to your available account balance*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. All loans are subject to credit approval. Your rate and credit limit will be determined based on individual creditworthiness including income, debt ratio, and employment. Verification of income may be required. Must be 18 years of age to qualify for a loan. Must be a Sound Credit Union member to participate. Anyone who lives or works in WA can join. Membership at Sound requires a savings account.
Choose the loan that fits your needs and start your application.
Number 2 class=”wrapper”>Securely sign your documents online or in a branch.
Number 3 class=”wrapper”>We can either deposit funds to your account or send you a check. You decide.
Receive an additional .25% off your rate when financing a qualifying energy-saving home improvement.
If you have a personal loan at a different lender, use our easy comparison tool to see if Sound can offer you a lower payment or more favorable terms. It’s one of our favorite things to do!
Transfer funds from your personal loan to other accounts or make payments to your loan using online banking or our mobile app.
Most personal loans are not backed by collateral, so lenders decide whether to loan based on a variety of factors, including your credit score, credit history, debt-to-income ratio, and free cash flow. Sound Credit Union offers personal loans. Learn More »
What are personal loans?A personal loan is a loan in which money is borrowed from a bank and then paid back in fixed monthly installments. They can be used for almost anything, including debt consolidation, home improvement projects, medical bills, weddings, and more. Sound Credit Union offers personal loans. Learn More »
What purchases qualify for a green personal loan?If you’re paying from an account at another financial institution:
Payments by Mail
Please include the last four digits of your account number and the loan number on your check.
Sound Credit Union
PO Box 1595
Tacoma WA 98401
Making payments to your Sound mortgage:
Loans not eligible for Skip-a-Pay